Better. Faster. Safer.

Maximum decoating power for pallets, fixtures, tools, and boards. Reliably remove conformal coating residue with our ATRON & HYDRON cleaning agents.


hydron and atron


Removes conformal coating from
Pallets |  Tools |  Fixtures


Water-based cleaning agent

Concentration usage: 10 - 25%

HMIS: 1 - 0 - 0

Excellent operator safety

Compatible with Durastone® and Durapol® pallets

pH Neutral 
For use in SIA, Ultrasonic, or Dip Tank Equipment 



Removes conformal coating from
Pallets | Tools | Fixtures | Boards


Water-based cleaning agent

Concentration usage: 15 - 30% 

HMIS: 1 - 0 - 0 

Excellent operator safety 

Compatible with Durastone® and Durapol® pallets 

pH Alkaline 
For use in Ultrasonic Equipment & Dip Tank Equipment

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