ravi blue2Tackling Flux Residues: Best Practices for Cleaning Power Electronics Components

August 17, 2023, 2:00 PM EST

Flux residues are a common challenge in cleaning power electronics components. These residues can cause corrosion, electrical shorts, and other reliability issues, affecting the performance and longevity of the components. To address this challenge, it is important to follow best practices for cleaning power electronics components.

Ravi Parthasarathy, Senior Application Engineer at ZESTRON Americas, will be providing an overview of the evolution of power electronics as well as going over the details of selecting the appropriate cleaning method, ensuring compatibility with the components, and validating the cleaning effectiveness. Ravi will also go over the several test methods that can be effectively used to validate the cleanliness of power electronics components. Through a series of case studies, we will look at complex component packages and what it takes to clean them successfully.


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